6 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Boat Rental Instead of Buying One this Summer

IMR Reasons Why You Should Do Boat Rental Instead of Buying One this Summer

Going on a boat ride is one of the best outdoor summer activities. But as most people know, it can also be pretty expensive. Luckily, there is a way to enjoy boating without the costs of buying and maintaining your own boat.

Why buy a boat when you can rent? If you are still having trouble choosing the best option, here are six benefits of renting a boat instead of buying one.

1. Boats Are Very Expensive

It is no secret that buying a boat will cost you an arm and a leg. Depending on the type of boat you are planning to buy, you will have to pay thousands of dollars to become a boat owner. If you want to own a surf boat, you will need no less than $100,000, and if you are looking to have a fancy yacht, prepare for about $800,000 or more. However, if you rent a boat for a day, you will pay way less than if you were

2. Boats Depreciate

One of the main problems boat owners face is the fact that boats depreciate like cars do. The more you use your boat, the more it loses its value. When you rent a boat, you will not have to worry about its depreciating value because you will have to return it after use.

3. Boats Require a Lot of Maintenance

As a boat owner, you will have to spend a lot of time and money on maintenance alone. The maintenance costs for a boat can be very expensive because it needs special care such as saltwater resistance and anti-exposure treatment. Whether you use your boat regularly or just let it sit in a marina, all its elements and machinery still need constant cleaning and maintenance.

On top of all the maintenance expenses, you will also need to pay for a marina or storage facility to keep your boat from too much exposure. When you choose a boat rental, none of that will be a problem for you.

4. You Can Choose From a Wide Variety of Boats

Why stick to one boat for all of your trips when you can use different boats for different water adventures? If you are still wondering if you should rent or buy a boat, think of all the things you will enjoy when you can choose from a wide variety of boats. Whether you want to go fishing, surfing, or sailing, there are different boats available for whatever activity you desire.

Owning a single boat will limit you to the one activity it is destined for. Enjoy different adventures by having your choice of water vessels for any occasion.

5. You Will Not Feel Guilty About Leaving It on the Dock

Thinking about renting a boat vs. buying one means choosing between feeling guilty every time you leave your boat or not having to feel guilty about it. If you own a boat, it will sometimes feel like an obligation to take it out for a quick ride. Simply renting a boat every time you feel like sailing will give you more excitement for any type of water activity.

6. Renting a Boat is Easy

This may be the biggest benefit of boat rentals. All you have to do is find the best rental company, reserve the time you want to use a boat, choose the type of boat that is best for the activity you want to do, and you will have a boat ready for any type of water activity you want to try.

After having your fun in the water, return the boat to the dock, and you’re good to go. No commitments, maintenance, or guilt on your part. All you have to do is rent the vessel, have fun, and return it on time.

Having your own boat can be very fulfilling for some people, but not everybody can afford it. If you want to experience all the fun and pleasure of riding or sailing a boat but don’t have the budget to own one, you can simply rent a boat for a day and enjoy all the benefits for a fraction of the cost.

If you are looking for the best boat rental near you, Island Marine Rentals is the best boat rental in Indian Rocks Beach, FL. We rent boats, paddle boards, scooters, and kayaks to bring you the best water adventure you can ever imagine. Call us now!

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